BuildingWell Episode 5 Bonus Episode Transcript


Music Plays

00:00:02 Michelle Moran, Alina Michelewicz

Bonus banter by BuildingWell!

00:00:05 Michelle Moran, Alina Michelewicz


00:00:08 Alina Michelewicz

Are you recording Michelle?

00:00:09 Michelle Moran

I am.

00:00:10 Alina Michelewicz

Oh! Well in that case… laughter

00:00:15 Michelle Moran

Welcome to the 2nd rendition of Bonus Banter after episode five of the BuildingWell podcast, Alina and I thought it would be nice to take a few minutes.

00:00:23 Michelle Moran

After each podcast episode and just reflect and talk about what we learned and what surprised us and what was interesting. We hope you enjoy this additional bonus episode.

00:00:33 Michelle Moran

So that was really interesting. It was good context, I think, between the NESEA presentation and then hearing Neil and Charlie talk day-to-day about what they do and then having them literally spell everything out for us here. I think now as a normal lay person, I can, I can really understand some of what they’re talking.

00:00:51 Michelle Moran

About what they’re trying to do.

00:00:53 Alina Michelewicz

Yeah, agreed. I feel like when I listened to the NESEA presentation, I couldn’t see the visuals for one. So I was struggling to understand just how the system itself works. But having Neil explain it and getting into the ins and outs and kind of describing them in

00:01:09 Alina Michelewicz

More typical terms that definitely helped me understand, especially with the swing tank and how the water temperatures work within the system.

00:01:18 Michelle Moran

Yeah, that was really interesting. I was also just the overall take away from me is how strange is it that most of our large buildings are they’re systems are sized by something that might be 40 years old, you know?

00:01:28 Alina Michelewicz


00:01:30 Michelle Moran

40 years ago in 1984, right, the workforce and the composition of people that occupy a building look totally different from the way it looks now, right? Especially after 2020, I believe that people are now spending 62% of their lives indoors since 2020, when it used to be 50% and in hotter places it’s up to 90%.

00:01:49 Michelle Moran

So now, we may be using a lot more hot water or hot water a lot differently.

00:01:54 Michelle Moran

Than we used to

00:01:56 Alina Michelewicz

Yeah. It reminds me of.

00:01:57 Alina Michelewicz

There’s this thing going around on like TikTok and Instagram reels not to go too far down this rabbit hole, but I don’t know if you get them. Michelle. It’s like young professional lady TikTok is like the realm of the Internet that I’m talking about, where it’s making the joke about how if you’re cold at the office.

00:02:15 Alina Michelewicz

Because the temperatures were set. You’re nodding. Yeah, the the temperatures of the office were set when it was men. And so women, typically.

00:02:27 Alina Michelewicz

Sitting in an office with the full suit on, which is not how we dress for work. And there’s many women in the office, and we have a different need for temperature. So it’s like, who’s the people that we’re studying also sort of a question underlying question they have but that’s.

00:02:41 Alina Michelewicz

Like the way off tangent.

00:02:43 Michelle Moran

I liked it.

00:02:46 Alina Michelewicz

And I think what was really interesting is just how much of a building’s energy usage is from the hot water usage, 25% of it being hot water. That’s a lot. And then to be able to reduce the system cost.

00:03:00 Alina Michelewicz

By 20%. Its Pretty incredible.

00:03:02 Michelle Moran

Yeah. The first cost reduction by 20%, that’s.

00:03:05 Michelle Moran

Neil sort of glazed over that that’s a big deal, I think.

00:03:08 Alina Michelewicz

Yeah, for sure for sure. I mean 20%, it’s like it’s good amount. Yeah. And it’s interesting how it fits in with the decarb projects in general.

00:03:17 Michelle Moran

Yes. Yeah, it sort of puts that little piece of like that larger puzzle into context for me, which is.

00:03:21 Michelle Moran

Really cool.

00:03:23 Michelle Moran

Now if we can.

00:03:23 Michelle Moran

Just do every system like that in every building.

00:03:25 Alina Michelewicz


00:03:26 Alina Michelewicz

Well, we’ll get into the.

00:03:27 Alina Michelewicz

Building envelopes in the next.

00:03:29 Alina Michelewicz

Which is a big part of.

00:03:30 Alina Michelewicz

It so that’s good too.



00:03:34 Michelle Moran

Thank you to all our listeners who stayed on and listened to this bonus content. We hope you enjoy. We’ll see you on the next episode.

00:03:41 Alina Michelewicz

See you on the next. Bye.

00:03:42 Michelle Moran

Alright, Thanks.

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