Episode 5: The Juiciness of Decarbonizing Domestic Hot Water with Neil Donnelly & Charlie Simek

Join host Alina Michelewicz and co-host Michelle Moran for their deep-dive into hot water. In this episode, Neil Donnelly and Charlie Simek, Energy Engineers at New Ecology specializing in data-focused decarbonization planning and building system optimization, follow up on their recent NESEA BuildingEnergy Boston presentation, “Equitable, Data Driven, Domestic Hot Water Decarbonization” to show how real data from real buildings can guide more efficient and lower-cost systems when its time to replace them. We explore the opportunities within recently monitored domestic hot water systems and the steps for owners, operators, engineers and utility program administrators. This episode was made possible by a Mass Save Community Education Grant.

Release date: July 25, 2024

Listen on Spotify at the link above, or find us on any streaming platform!

Show Notes:

The transcript for this episode can be found here

NESEA Presentation Link 

NESEA Presentation PDF

Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) Boston

Electrify Cambridge

Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) Cambridge


Four step decarbonization process


Loads & losses slides 9, 10 & 24

ACEEE Hot water forum 2024 

ACEEE Hot Water Forum 2025: March 4-6, 2025 in Portland Oregon

ASHRAE guidelines for everything

Animated explanation of total hot water system efficiency

25% of the multifamily building energy usage comes from DHW- A ‘juicy piece’  https://climate.cityofnewyork.us/reports/handbook-for-multifamily-buildings/ page 18

Cost, carbon, energy of 10 buildings slide 5

Passive House/ Phius

Energy Star


Enterprise Green Communities

Mass Save

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