Resilience to the impacts of climate change is rapidly becoming the next rung on the ladder of sustainability. In the wake of severe weather events that disproportionately affected low-income communities and multifamily housing, and the increased likelihood of such of events impacting broad categories of buildings and infrastructure, resiliency planning provides tangible and intangible benefits such as safety, comfort, cost savings, and durability.
New Ecology has developed a resiliency assessment protocol to complement our energy and water audits. The assessment provides concrete, actionable recommendations to enable owners and developers of existing buildings to make improvements to resist damage from severe weather and to bounce back more quickly should damage occur.
We have also incorporated planning for resilience into our design review process, applying our expertise in resilience in existing buildings to the design of new buildings.

Related: Multifamily Housing Resiliency Audits, presented at the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.